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Borders Now Open: Viva Columbia!

The onset of COVID has taken a toll on us all, especially those that love to indulge in international travel! Due to the lack of leadership in the White House and the hesitation with starting social distancing early, several countries have since closed their borders to Americans, respectfully and rightfully so.

Mexico, the Caribbean, and now Columbia have however, decided to open their borders to all countries, including ours. But please, if you decide to travel internationally, at most practice social distancing and wear a mask to protect yourself and everyone around you.

Now to our experience in Columbia last year!

We spent a mere $599 for our hotel and r/t flights to Cartegena, Columbia (book us 😏)! The food is so fresh, tastes absolutely amazing, and costs pennies to the dollar. Make sure to go into downtown at night and visit Cafe Del Ma, which sits atop of a huge cliff overlooking the ocean! They have live music and entertainment for the masses!

Excursion wise, don’t forget to book in advance to venture Mar Rosa (Pink Sea), where the water is legitimately pink. Our trip there was cancelled due to the water not being pink. Apparently the water

changes colors with the seasons, so call your tour guide in advance to verify this. We did however, have a blast at a live volcano!! We spent an hour atop of a live volcano and did mud bathing with male massage therapists atop of Volcano del Totumo! Definitely an experience to die for! Even if I have to go alone, I will be back!

Oh and don’t worry about the drug cartel! The country has spent millions on keeping the country safe and have since been creating an environment to attract more tourists!

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